
Joyful January

January, first month of the year when I started the new year of 2015 by having my phone sunk in the toilet. Oh, but that’s not the point, I began the new year with countless of joy! I had a really good time with my eleven best friends from high school. A rare chance for us to meet up as a squad and the last time we made it was back in 2014 while we were having a breakfasting at my house. So, to have them back together was just awesome.

Other fun part of the month was during my short trip or should I call the two days one night trip (cause it’s a really short trip) to Bogor with two of my favorite college friends. Finishing my tasks at the office real quick, meeting up at the train station which would be my third time using a commuter line with Oci, then heading to Mute’s house for a sleepover. It’s just another Friday and it’s not a long weekend or holiday, it’s just the day when I needed a break for while, a sweet escape. A day when all you needed was just a good quality time with your loved ones,  from a late night talk before sleep, a culinary trip from one to another, or just took a non-stop fun and silly photos between us.

Not to be forgotten, the day when I burst into tears when I was attending  Mica and Ade’s wedding. I knew this couple back in 2013 when we were both an intern in Bandung. I knew they’ve been together for quite a while and how their parents trust each other well.  Happy tears and goosebumps were just coming while watching them together. At the same time, I also realized that this year is probably the year when I will start receiving many wedding invitations or the year when I should probably looking for the one too.

But, that’s just one wish over many wishes that I always have, a wish that I put while seeing lanterns flew up in the air the night in Bogor with my Kompas MuDA fellow. It’s always good to be back with the team and seeing old and new friends who were mostly younger than me. A day when the word young is for everyone, not only high school kids, but even for the 9-5 workers just like me and other friends.

So that's how my January ended. I know it was a super late post, but it's never too late to start fun and new things! So, here’s a tips for everyone: Dare yourself to do different things every weekend. Make every second and minute of your life counts. Stop overthinking stuff! And just sometimes, stop making plans, and just do it! Cause I was having a good time in January and I’m hoping you too sometime this month! :)

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