
The Words (2012)

How far will you go for your dreams? 
Will you sacrifice the love of your life for a dream? 
How long can you keep the dirtiest secret of your life?

The Words (2012) begins with Clayton Hammond (Dennis Quaid) who is reading a part of his new book, The Words. The Words tells about Rory Jones (Bradley Cooper) whose dream is to be a writer. As a young married couple, Rory and his wife, Dora (Zoe Saldana), trying to find a way to earn their living. Until they go for a honeymoon in Paris and find a vintage briefcase where he finds an old manuscript. As he gets frustrated about the dream, Rory can't stop thinking about the old manusrcipt. Without any consideration, Rory starts to re-type everything from the old book. Long story short, the book is finally published and claimed as Rory's. But, will this glory live forever? Can he enjoy his life with that secret? The plot continues on how the real writer of the old manuscript (Jeremy Irons) finds Rory Jones in real life and tells the story behind it and what's really happening between the lies.

So what I love the most about the movie? The back and forth plot about the past and future, the layered stories of the drama and love life, and the dramatic instruments as the backsound complete this movie really well. Dennis Quaid, Bradley Cooper, and Jeremy Irons are just great! Oh and by the first time I saw the trailer, I just fell into it, Demons by Imagine Dragons really captured the moment and felt really touchy after I watched the entire movie. Though The Words only received 22% from Rotten Tomatoes, but still it's entertaining to watch. 

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